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Connecting Printers

  • Navigate to System Preferences → Print and Scan
  • Click the + button to add a new printer
  • Control-Click (or mouse right-click) on the Toolbar and select Customize Toolbar
  • Drag the Advanced icon onto the bar, then click the newly added Advanced button
  • Select Type: Windows printer via spoolss device type
  • Enter a Device URL, such as: (Tip: printer_name is the printer's share name; i.e. “PF_CC_p2_NordEst_Colore”) * In Name field, enter a friendly and informative printer name. (i.e. “TOSHIBA e-Studio 2820c”) * Choose a driver for this printer by pulling down the drop-down box and selecting Select Software (if the proper driver is missing, download it before this procedure) * Click the Add button * Test print and when asked use the correct UNITN credentials. (see image below) * Elenco puntato N.B. The printers all have a name (it also appears on the label on them) composed as follow: PI_p0_Portineria_Colore * PI (o PF) = Palazzo Istruzione (o Palazzo Fedrigotti) * p0 = Ground Zero * Portineria = Place identification where the printer is located * Colore = Printer type (Color or Black and White) IMPORTANT: If you have change your Unitn password, you must reinsert it in the credential of installed printers. For this, navigate to System Preferences → Print and Scan and here double click on the selected printer. It's open a printer queue, here click on the circle near the x icon and reinsert the new Unitn password with option checked Remember password in Keychain
pub/print_rovereto_mac.1416330674.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2014/11/18 17:11 da